If you want to stay organized without adding a lot of extra weight these are the ticket. You won't find any raw edges or sloppy stitching on our gear. What you will find is an ultralight stuff sack that is "finished" and built with the same attention to detail you and yours, have come to expect from Granite Gear.
Every sack item comes packaged in its own zippered sack, intentionally designed to be reusable. The best way to keep packaging out of landfills is to make it into its own standalone product. Tear the front product description tag off along the perforated edges and you have a clean zip sack perfect for organization inside your pack. You can even attach on the outside of your pack by utilizing the webbing loops on both ends. The front description is printed on recycled Tyvek® tags and is fully recyclable. Please recycle after it's removed.
The zippered sack packaging is made with the same technical lightweight fabrics as the main product inside. The colors indicate the different fabric types. The color of the items inside will vary and do not correspond to the packaging color.
- 30D Sil-Nylon CORDURA
- Micro-Cord Drawstring
- See-thru Sil-Nylon fabric allows you to see what's inside.
- Keep gear organized and color coded.
Size | Weight | Dimensions | Volume |
2 Liters | .44oz 12grams | 4.5x2.7x10.2" 11.6x6.8x26cm | 125ci 2L |
3 Liters | .50oz 14grams | 5.7x3.1x12" 14.5x8x30.5cm | 200ci 3L |
5 Liters | .67oz 19grams | 6.5x3.5x13.4" 16.5x9x34cm | 300ci 5L |
7 Liters | .72oz 20grams | 7.2x3.9x15.2" 18.3x10x38.5cm | 430ci 7L |
11 Liters | .93oz 26.5grams | 8.7x4.5x15.7" 22x11.5x39.7cm | 640ci 11L |
16 Liters | 1.04oz 29.5grams | 11x5.1x18.9" 28x13x48cm | 980ci 16L |