Canteens are a must have for any outdoor adventurer, for good reason too. They attach to bags and gear, carry a good quantity of water and keep your water secure. The cover itself has a small pouch to store water purification tablets, fire-starters or matches. It also has ALICE clips, allowing it to attach to a range of gear. The canteen itself has a one litre capacity. A necessity for hikers, hunters, campers and the like.
- Nylon woodland cover
- 1L capacity
- Aluminium Cup
- Secure press stud fastening on cover
- Fur interior lining
- 2 Back ALICE clips
- Drain hole on bottom of cover
- Small side pocket
- Bottle is made of high-density polyethylene
Weight: 0.21kg
Volume: 1 Litre
Condition: New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our